There are a lot of dental blogs out there. Unfortunately, most Dental Clinic blogs are written by savvy content writers working for crafty marketing firms. How do I know this? I was recently at a dental conference and the Keynote Speaker asked a room of over 500 Dentists for a show of hands as to who was writing their own webpage and blog content. The result? I was the only Dentist in the room to raise my hand. Most admitted to having a marketing firm provide their content.
What you get as a result, is a focus on material designed to sell you more Dentistry. Well, my goal is entirely different: I hope to give you tips, statistics and viewpoints about dental treatment options that you won’t find anywhere else…true inside information…the good stuff. It’s the same information I would use in making decisions about treatment for myself. It’s the information I that I share with family and friends when they ask me about treatment options.
So, if you're looking for information on the best Dentures for you or you want to learn more about Kid's Dentistry, then look no further. If you're looking for a perspective on Wisdom Teeth Removal in Kitchener, take a look at our blog! From Dental Crowns in Kitchener to Dental Bridges, from Emergency Dentistry tips to finding your Best KW Dentist or Best Dentist in Waterloo, we've got the answers!